As the trend died down, and people who wore leg warmers began to look weird again, leggings still stood strong and started to become a significant classic piece in every woman’s wardrobe. These days, you can’t go out without seeing at least one girl with a pair of leggings on. They all have it! I myself have ten pairs of black leggings, some with different details and styles, and am now thinking of investing in a few more pairs of gray.
With the leggings in, the skinny jean appeared, formally known as the cigarette pants. Many thought the trend wouldn’t last, but it’s still here and very popular with women of every age. The skinny jean is possible to find in different styles and colours including, high waist, low waist, mid-rise, torn, faded, dark blue, folded at the ankle, super skinny and so on. Even work wear clothing has turned wide leg dress pants into skinny dress pants for a more polished and tailored look. (Skinny pants emphasize the legs by making them appear longer, especially when a sexy heel is worn with them. Wear a pair of high waist jeans with it, and you’ll appear even taller.) As the skinny jeans started to get more and more popular, many women still had problems finding the right fit in jeans. Along walked in the jeggings and saved the day. Also known as the jean legging, the name was recently shortened as a sign of the times. Jeggings come in many shapes, sizes, styles, colours and patterns, and the best part is that it fits everybody without having to wear a belt. I say, “God bless the man that came up with such a genius idea.”

Great article and i enjoyed reading it. Today's fashion trend is jeggings. So i also prefer to wear jeggings. It is more comfortable and looks cool.